I don't care who will be the President of the United States. But here is Trump, today’s contender for the presidency and the fa
42 936 просмотров
I don't care who will be the President of the United States. But here is Trump, today’s contender for the presidency and the favorite of the election campaign. Apparently Americans are very naive people if this is their favorite. The video shows a classic example of populism and propaganda performed by Trump admiring himself: “We want peace through strength.” Well, of course, how else should “Trump’s Great America” operate? Perhaps Trump doesn’t know that America provoked this war, so let him ask Nulland. Let him ask her how they decided who to put in charge of Ukraine after the coup d’etat they supported in 2014. And let him ask her how she, on behalf of America, announced in 2022 her intention to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia in Ukraine. Maybe Trump doesn’t know that it is the Ukrainian army, armed and financed by the US, that is killing those Russians he is talking about with American weapons? Hypocrisy, arrogance and lies. And “peace through strength” is Trump saying that he will start a war with Russia, unless of course Biden starts it earlier.
Источник: Victor vicktop55
Источник: Victor vicktop55
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