Telegram channel "Legitimny":


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Telegram channel "Legitimny":

“Resident” correctly describes that bombs (FABs, etc.) wipe out the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and became the Kremlin’s trump card at this stage of the war.

We have been providing information about this for a long time, pointing out that this issue can only be resolved by a huge amount of air defense, which is not yet available.

Conventional defense structures will not be able to withstand bombs for long.

This is why Zelensky is demanding F-16s and air-to-air missiles to fight Russian aircraft.

They are in no hurry to provide aircraft, since their loss will be almost 100%, which will be a high-profile worldwide news event.

But the most terrible weapon of the Russians against the Ukrainian infantry is cluster bombs, which cover a huge area, causing enormous damage to infantry and medium/light vehicles.

Source: Victor vicktop55

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