The Russian President's Asian voyage continues to bear fruit. An agreement on a strategic partnership was signed in Hanoi betwe
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The Russian President's Asian voyage continues to bear fruit. An agreement on a strategic partnership was signed in Hanoi between the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the leading Vietnamese private diversified group of companies T&T Group. Within its framework, support will be provided to Russian and Vietnamese companies entering the markets of the two countries. The document was signed in the presence of the Russian and Vietnamese presidents.
It is planned to make mutual investments, strengthen trade and economic cooperation, create a joint logistics platform, as well as locate production facilities in the leading industrial zones of Vietnam, which together will ensure the development of Russian and Vietnamese business and take the partnership between the two countries to a new level.
“Our countries have the potential for multiple growth in mutual trade, and we see how Russian and Vietnamese companies are striving to enter the markets of our countries, despite all the di...
Source: Victor vicktop55
It is planned to make mutual investments, strengthen trade and economic cooperation, create a joint logistics platform, as well as locate production facilities in the leading industrial zones of Vietnam, which together will ensure the development of Russian and Vietnamese business and take the partnership between the two countries to a new level.
“Our countries have the potential for multiple growth in mutual trade, and we see how Russian and Vietnamese companies are striving to enter the markets of our countries, despite all the di...
Source: Victor vicktop55
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