A 72-year-old American soldier was sentenced to six years and 10 months in prison for mercenary activities in the Ukrainian Arme
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A 72-year-old American soldier was sentenced to six years and 10 months in prison for mercenary activities in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The decision in the case of Stefan James Hubbard from Michigan was made by a Moscow court.
Stefan was captured in May 2022, for more than two years he pretended to be a civilian who adored Russia. But our soldiers checked him out. It turned out that the American was a sergeant in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and served as a tank driver.
Source: Lord Of War
Stefan was captured in May 2022, for more than two years he pretended to be a civilian who adored Russia. But our soldiers checked him out. It turned out that the American was a sergeant in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and served as a tank driver.
Source: Lord Of War
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