Durov spotted at Maxim's restaurant in Paris – reports
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Durov spotted at Maxim's restaurant in Paris – reports
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has reportedly been seen at Maxim's, a well-known restaurant in Paris, located near the Crillon Hotel where he is said to be staying. A video clip allegedly showing him at the restaurant has been shared by netizens.
In August, Durov was placed under judicial supervision and prohibited from leaving France. He faces 12 charges and was released on bail set at 5 million euros ($5.5 million), according to the Paris prosecutor's office.
French officials stated that investigators targeted Telegram due to its failure to respond to requests for the identification of certain cybercriminals.
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Source: Sputnik International
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has reportedly been seen at Maxim's, a well-known restaurant in Paris, located near the Crillon Hotel where he is said to be staying. A video clip allegedly showing him at the restaurant has been shared by netizens.
In August, Durov was placed under judicial supervision and prohibited from leaving France. He faces 12 charges and was released on bail set at 5 million euros ($5.5 million), according to the Paris prosecutor's office.
French officials stated that investigators targeted Telegram due to its failure to respond to requests for the identification of certain cybercriminals.
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Source: Sputnik International
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